# Site title:夕阳下的奔跑 subtitle:不积跬步无以至千里 description:个人总结,工作日志,技术原创 author:K.X language:zh-CN timezone:Asia/Shanghai
# URL ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/' url:http://xintq.net root:/ permalink::year/:month/:day/:title/ permalink_defaults:
# Writing new_post_name::year-:month-:day-:title.md# File name of new posts default_layout:post titlecase:true# Transform title into titlecase external_link:true# Open external links in new tab filename_case:1 render_drafts:false post_asset_folder:false relative_link:false future:true highlight: enable:true line_number:true auto_detect:false tab_replace:
# Category & Tag default_category:uncategorized category_map: tag_map:
# Date / Time format ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date ## You can customize the date format as defined in ## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ date_format:YYYY-MM-DD time_format:HH:mm:ss
# Pagination ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination per_page:10 pagination_dir:page
##### Menu menu: Home:/ Archives:/archives About:/about
## you can create `tags` and `categories` folders in `../source`. ## And create a `index.md` file in each of them. ## set `front-matter`as ## layout: tags (or categories) ## title: tags (or categories) ## ---
#### Widgets widgets: -category #- tag -tagcloud -links -rss ## provide seven widgets:category,tag,rss,archive,tagcloud,links,weibo,douban
#### RSS rss:/atom.xml## RSS address.
#### Image imglogo: enable:true## display image logo true/false. src:img/logo.png## `.svg` and `.png` are recommended,please put image into the theme folder `/jacman/source/img`. favicon:img/favicon.ico## size:32px*32px,`.ico` is recommended,please put image into the theme folder `/jacman/source/img`. apple_icon:img/jacman.jpg## size:114px*114px,please put image into the theme folder `/jacman/source/img`. author_img:img/author.jpg## size:220px*220px.display author avatar picture.if don't want to display,please don't set this. banner_img:img/banner.jpg## size:1920px*200px+. Banner Picture ### Theme Color theme_color: theme:'#7f7f7f'##the defaut theme color is blue, but I make it black ### theme: '#2ca6cb' ##the defaut theme color is blue
#### index post is expanding or not index: expand:false## default is unexpanding,so you can only see the short description of each post. excerpt_link:ReadMore
close_aside:false#close sidebar in post page if true mathjax:false#enable mathjax if true
### Creative Commons License Support, see http://creativecommons.org/ ### you can choose: by , by-nc , by-nc-nd , by-nc-sa , by-nd , by-sa , zero creative_commons:none
#### Author information author: intro_line1:"Hi there, I'm K.X, a tech guy trying to survive in the IT jungle..."## your introduction on the bottom of the page intro_line2:"This is my blog. Hope you find something useful here."## the 2nd line weibo:## e.g. wuchong1014 or 2176287895 for http://weibo.com/2176287895 weibo_verifier:## e.g. b3593ceb Your weibo-show widget verifier ,if you use weibo-show it is needed. tsina:## e.g. 2176287895 Your weibo ID,It will be used in share button. douban:## e.g. wuchong1014 or your id for https://www.douban.com/people/wuchong1014 zhihu:## e.g. jark for http://www.zhihu.com/people/jark email:"test@abc.com"## e.g. imjark@gmail.com twitter:## e.g. jarkwu for https://twitter.com/jarkwu github:"test"## e.g. wuchong for https://github.com/wuchong facebook:## e.g. imjark for https://facebook.com/imjark linkedin:"test"## e.g. wuchong1014 for https://www.linkedin.com/in/wuchong1014 google_plus:## e.g. "111190881341800841449" for https://plus.google.com/u/0/111190881341800841449, the "" is needed! stackoverflow:## e.g. 3222790 for http://stackoverflow.com/users/3222790/jark ## if you set them, the corresponding share button will show on the footer
#### Toc toc: article:true## show contents in article. aside:true## show contents in aside. ## you can set both of the value to true of neither of them. ## if you don't want display contents in a specified post,you can modify `front-matter` and add `toc: false`.
#### Comment duoshuo_shortname:## e.g. wuchong your duoshuo short name. disqus_shortname:## e.g. wuchong your disqus short name.
#### Share button jiathis: enable:false## if you use jiathis as your share tool,the built-in share tool won't be display. id:## e.g. 1889330 your jiathis ID. tsina:## e.g. 2176287895 Your weibo id,It will be used in share button.
#### Analytics google_analytics: enable:false id:## e.g. UA-46321946-2 your google analytics ID. site:## e.g. wuchong.me your google analytics site or set the value as auto. ## You MUST upgrade to Universal Analytics first! ## https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/?hl=zh_CN baidu_tongji: enable:false sitecode:## e.g. e6d1f421bbc9962127a50488f9ed37d1 your baidu tongji site code cnzz_tongji: enable:false siteid:## e.g. 1253575964 your cnzz tongji site id
#### Miscellaneous ShowCustomFont:true## you can change custom font in `variable.styl` and `font.styl` which in the theme folder `/jacman/source/css`. fancybox:true## if you use gallery post or want use fancybox please set the value to true. totop:true## if you want to scroll to top in every post set the value to true
#### Custom Search google_cse: enable:false cx:## e.g. 018294693190868310296:abnhpuysycw your Custom Search ID. ## https://www.google.com/cse/ ## To enable the custom search You must create a "search" folder in '/source' and a "index.md" file ## set the 'front-matter' as ## layout: search ## title: search ## --- baidu_search:## http://zn.baidu.com/ enable:false id:## e.g. "783281470518440642" for your baidu search id site:http://zhannei.baidu.com/cse/search## your can change to your site instead of the default site
tinysou_search:## http://tinysou.com/ enable:false id:## e.g. "4ac092ad8d749fdc6293" for your tiny search id